Transform Your Life With These Powerful Relationships

This past year has been a reminder of the importance and value of relationships. Despite popular belief, we were created to connect with others. Even though the world often bleakly suggests being alone is best, we must remember the core of our existence. We are created for connection and relationship – we’re not meant to go it alone! Having great intentional relationships with those in our lives can impact us in major way positively or negatively. The power of relationships is widely underestimated. We often don’t realize how important it is to have the right people in our life, and how having the wrong people can cause us to become stagnant and even regress. It isn’t just friends either; having the right coach or mentor can be a game changer that helps you reach your goals faster, as well as helping you craft new ones. However, one relationship that often gets overlooked is the one we have with ourselves. Let’s explore why each of these relationships are so important for success. (Check out the latest topic on the podcast HERE.)

The Right Friendships

It’s essential to surround yourself with people who support and motivate you, who want to see you succeed and are willing to help get you there. Even if someone has the best intentions, if their actions aren’t beneficial for your growth then it might be time to reevaluate that connection. Everyone isn’t meant to be in our lives forever, so don’t be afraid to let go of those that no longer serve a purpose in your life. There will be life time friends and seasonal ones and we must understand and value each persons role in our lives but when we do find someone who fits into our life like a missing piece of a jigsaw puzzle – embrace them! We owe it to ourself to nurture healthy relationships that bring out the best in both parties. (Listen here for some added value on great friendships.)

T​he Right Coach or Mentor

Finding someone whose results speak for themselves should be at the top of your list when looking for a coach or mentor. Not only do they need experience and knowledge in their field, but they also need an ability to connect with others on an emotional level – this is what will help keep you motivated during hard times or push you further once you hit plateaus while chasing after your dreams. Your coach or mentor should be most importantly be an action taker and able to transform your world. (Listen here for a great example of an amazing coach) A good coach not only knows what needs doing but also understands why it needs doing – this combination makes sure there are no shortcuts taken on the road towards success. A good coach will better your game your skills but a great coach they will change your life. 

The Relationship With Yourself

Finally we come full circle back around to our inner self; how we treat ourselves reflects how we expect others will treat us too – so make sure it’s positive! Self-care should never take a backseat regardless of how busy things get; learn from past mistakes but don’t dwell on them; recognize successes no matter how small they may seem; most importantly stay true to yourself and never lose sight of who you are trying become. All these things help ensure that when you look at yourself in the mirror every morning, you can smile knowing that person staring back at reflection is somebody worth being proud of!

Relationships play an integral role in our lives whether its friendships with those around us or mentors and coaches guiding us along our journey towards success – understanding which ones are worth keeping and which ones will hold us back is key! Finally make sure all relationships are intentional and are moving you towards your future. Having all these types of relationships helps ensure we continue growing into better versions of ourselves so take some time today to appreciate all those in your life who make this possible!

Listen to the latest on this series on She’s the Plug here.

Takeya J

Takeya J

Takeya J, is an author, podcast host of “She’s the Plug,” mentor, coach and business strategist who has a passion for helping women create their dream life and really live in their purpose.

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Takeya J

Takeya J, is an author, podcast host of “She’s the Plug,” mentor, coach and business strategist who has a passion for helping women create their dream life and really live in their purpose.

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